Right another late one again tonight, as we went to watch Sherlock tonight and the visited the Golden Arches on the way home, so again it was a 10pm start (well 954). Wasn't really feeling it tonight, but had earlier realised that I had the A for the Janathon/Runart Project and then realised that I didn't even have to leave my street to do this, so that was tonight's run sorted. Let the 'Crazy' commence

So the first attempt was easy, only 1km and didn't even leave my road, passed a lady walking her dog whilst heading to the start, and then again on the top right section of the A (guessing she was wondering what I was up to)

As that was only 1km, it went against everything I had set myself, to accept this as a Janathon run, so I went to option 2 the bigger A, which went round the outside of the 2, checking a few tweet responses, and so knowing I had an audience (cheers Tim, Phil Les) I started to enjoy the run and so kept the speed up and was chuckling to myself with all the thoughts of the 'crazy' that was running through us doing this project, and so actually devised the 3rd attempt whilst running the 2nd. Oh and passed the woman and her dog again as I run through the middle, she blatantly stopped and stared this time which made me chuckle again

So here is the 3rd and final attempt, inspired by copy7t's H, I decided to add thickness and body to it (bubble writing as my kids called it). Although this one took more thought and was the longer run (3km) I'm agreeing with 7t that run 2 is the neater and better shape, and so is my entry to the Janathon Runart Project
6.11km in 32:23 starting at 2154 on 28/01/12
Total :180.48km
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