I got in tonight at about 7.30, thought would be a reasonable time for a run, except a family crisis with a difference had occured - my sister in law's dog had been stolen earlier on, and that was priority (figured as long as I started by 1130 I'd get 5km for today). A quick facebook post to put the feelers out about the dog and I went to have a nose round, didn't get far, when my sister came home, for a cuppa to warm up, blah,blah, blah found the dog at some kennels, ended running at 10pm, was more of a stagger than a run, cant keep this blog going as have dropped off three times typing this bit and have to be up in 4 hrs
29/01/12 0845
Right firstly I apologise for my tired ranty end to the above, was shattered couldn't keep my eyes open, and this was the first time that Janathon has stopped being fun. So to sum up, (quickly

Sisters Dog was stolen, eventual search and facebook post lead to info of a dog being handed in to a local kennels, which turn out to be our Bonnie. So she has been returned safe and sound, with a couple of conspiracy theory options, as to whether stolen, thought abandon/rescued or kennel con (£50 fee for holding)
My 'run' ended up being a 10pm start again, have done a few of these but clearly this, couple with 6am starts at work, this was starting to take its toll, I did my usual 5km street lit loop, but it was more of a stagger, I'm amazed that the time was still sub 30, as I thought at several points I wasn't even going to do it with out giving up and walking the shortcuts. I sort of shut off and was thinking about work and other stuff and switch to autopilot as I cant even remember whole sections of the 'stagger'
5.08km in 29.53 starting at 2204 on 27/01/12
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