Copy7t reminded me this morning that tonight was a milestone run, and although the actual run itself was pretty uneventful, just the usual 5k street lit loop but in reverse as I needed to get to the post office before 7.30 to catch the last post. I did it backwards because then the post office was only 2km away rather than 3km. The one time I really wanted a GPS signal I didn't get one, even in the magic corner of the room that always gets a Satellite, couldn't find one, but did the run anyway as I had the route plotted every where, wasn't even that worried about the time, having stopped to post a letter, and rescue the sock that was disappearing into my trainer!!
Once I got back and saved the run, the phone found a signal, and so I took a little jog 1.23km up the road to the point that I reached.......
5.6km in 31.40
starting at 1913 on 17/01/12
Janathon Total :104.37km
HA! Celebratory Janathon street art! I love it! (How could resist adding a drawing of something, too?)