Saturday, 21 January 2012

21th of Janathon

This evening I am not running, its not a fail, I haven't given up, I just decided to pay @copy7t a surprise visit at the Riddlesdowne parkrun this morning.Normally I would start work at 6am, but today I decided to change shift and do the 10-7, so I could get to parkrun at 9, do a 'quick' 5k and then head into work from there.

Now the quick part didn't happen, as we hadn't seen each other since November, and with the whole Janathon game going on, we had a lot of catching up to do, so it became a social run (was a bit squidgy to get a pb really anyway) and we just jogged round and chatted, running the first half with Chris and his dog (until Chris's kids called out to remind him that he was supposed to be running with them , and had run on with us). We got our half run time of 16, which 7t realised we were going to come in at 32min, which is far to slow, but we figured it would come back in naturally, but alas it didn't and we were so worried about the times that as we crossed to line together, we had a brief gentlemanly discussion as to who would take what position (I let Steve come first as he is the faster runner, and it would be wrong for me to beat him after making him show such a poor time) so today's figures are

5.??km in 30.27 starting at 0900 on 21/01/12

Day 21 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :135.86km

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