Friday, 20 January 2012

20th of Janathon

Well tonights was a late run, didn't get in from work until about 7pm, then ate my tea, took the kids to youth club, then walked the dog, sat and had a cuppa, and then realised it was almost 10pm already, so threw on my shorts and trainers and headed out, accompanied by the Ozric Tentacles 'Erpland' album tonight, which is what I used to run to all the time, but haven't used for a while, since finding runcasts then rock my run mixes. As you can imagine that wasn't much going on at 10 o'clock so that'll do.
I'm sure I had some idea's earlier for this blog, but clearly they've gone to bed already, so I'm going to head there too, and see if I can find them for tomorrow
5.13km in 27:43 starting at 2207 on 20/01/12

Day 20 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :130.56km

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