Tuesday, 31 January 2012

31st of Janathon

And now the end is here
And so I race the final circuit
My friends I'll say it clear
I'll state my case of which I 'm certain

I've run a month that's full
I've travelled each and every highway
And more, much more than this
I ran it my way

Well I did it - We did it!
The month is over and this man who 6 months ago didn't even run has just completed a 31 day run streak, has just run over 200km in a month, who didn't even have a blog until 6weeks ago, has blogged everyday (admitted a couple weren't the greatest efforts but were there none the less)

I've managed a run of 10 miles, just because I felt like it.
None of this I would of thought was going ever going to happen, nor would I ever have thought that I would consider wearing Lycra tights and rubbing Vaseline on my nipples a perfectly normal thing to do!?!, but all I can say is Thankyou.

Thank you to my brother in law Steve who suggested going for a run last August
Thank you to Copy7t for keeping me running and introducing me to Janathon
Thank you to Cathy @jogblog for organising Janathon
Thank you to my wife & kids for putting up with me coming & going at all times of day & night
Thank you to Jess who has joined me on a couple of Dog Jogs (including the finale)
Thank you to  Lilbee, Tim, Phil, Henniemavis, Miss Hudson, Fairweather, MsSmith, and anyone else that has commented on my blog, my tweets and encouraged my runs.

The next question is do I continue my run streak, or do I drop to exercise some how each day, and go back to 3-4 day/week running (I think the latter is the better option)

This blog will continue, though how often is anyones guess.

and if not before, I'll see you all in Juneathon

Until then Run long and Taper

Monday, 30 January 2012

30th of Janathon

What an evening!

Since I hit 100km on the 17thI figured I could hit 200km by the end of the month, my last few runs have been a real struggle, and yesterdays long run never happened, but I managed to get myself down to 15km left. 2 nights @ 8km not a problem, so that was tonight's target.
Had a new 8km route plotted and so off  went, the run was going great, just seemed to be maintaining pace and being quite relaxed with it. Once I'd got to 6 1/2km and just a loop round my estate left, I felt like I could carry on, so I turned right instead and ran round my old estate. At 8km a left turn would of took me home, but things were still going good so, I went straight on and into town, I follow the ring road and thought I'd pop into the wife's work and say Hi, but that felt like finishing to soon, so i wen left again and round the back of town thinking I'd take the long way to her office, but as I reached the end of her road, I really didn't want to stop and so ran a horrid steep hill, and carried on, heading back south, a long straight road and then cut across to the main road bought me back in line with my place but on the opposite side of town, so down the hill I went, and back up the other side I checked my phone and it said 14.5km, only 1/2km to go to reach the magic 200km, but then remembered that 15 is only 9.5mile and I'd need another one for a distance pb so ran past the house, round the top of the estate and then round the inside of the estate (felt like I was running A's again LOL) . I reached the house and looked 16.26km (10mile). Love it!!!!! and whats more, apart from a couple of seconds traffic stops I didn't  stop/walk at all, which is another record (haven't managed 10k before now with at least one walk break)
Felt like I could of gone for a bit more, but still have tomorrow to run and I have work in the morning to.

16.26km in 1:35:27  starting at 1741 on 30/01/12
Day 30 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :202.25km

Sunday, 29 January 2012

29th of Janathon

Have had a naff day, was looking forward to a nice long run out in to the country, in the daylight, but everything got in the way, family church trip, emergency motorbike service/repairs, fatherhood, homework, housework, cooking etc, all necessities, but all meant I didn't get out like I wanted to. So looked like another lap of the 5k street lit loop, but I need more than 5km if I'm to cover the 20km to make 200 by Tuesday, so I set about plotting an extension to try and even out the next 3 days.
Job done, and off I went hoping for a good time as I wanted to watch 'Wild at Heart'
After 2.5km I felt like a medal winning runner, but fortunately for me McDonalds was at the bottom of the road (the medal winning runner was Poohla Radcliffe). Due to the numerous layers I was wearing to fend of the cold, stopping indoors halfway round meant I was  sweating far to much and so now running again but in damp clothing so I cut the run short still managed a 5km run but that means I still have 15 to do in 2 days - not a problem distance wise, just hope I can fit them in time wise.

5.51km in 30:49 starting at 2006 on 29/01/12

Day 29 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :185.99km

28th of Janathon

Right another late one again tonight, as we went to watch Sherlock tonight and the visited the Golden Arches on the way home, so again it was a 10pm start (well 954). Wasn't really feeling it tonight, but had earlier realised that I had the A for the Janathon/Runart Project and then realised that I didn't even have to leave my street to do this, so that was tonight's run sorted. Let the 'Crazy' commence

So the first attempt was easy, only 1km and didn't even leave my road, passed a lady walking her dog whilst heading to the start, and then again on the top right section of the A (guessing she was wondering what I was up to)

As that was only 1km, it went against everything I had set myself, to accept this as a Janathon run, so I went to option 2 the bigger A, which went round the outside of the 2, checking a few tweet responses, and so knowing I had an audience (cheers Tim, Phil Les) I started to enjoy the run and so kept the speed up and was chuckling to myself with all the thoughts of the 'crazy' that was running through us doing this project, and so actually devised the 3rd attempt whilst running the 2nd. Oh and passed the woman and her dog again as I run through the middle, she blatantly stopped and stared this time which made me chuckle again
So here is the 3rd and final attempt, inspired by copy7t's H, I decided to add thickness and body to it (bubble writing as my kids called it). Although this one took more thought and was the longer run (3km) I'm agreeing with 7t that run 2 is the neater and better shape, and so is my entry to the Janathon Runart Project

6.11km in 32:23 starting at 2154 on 28/01/12

Day 28 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :180.48km

Friday, 27 January 2012

27th of Janathon

I got in tonight at about 7.30, thought would be a reasonable time for a run, except a family crisis with a difference had occured - my sister in law's dog had been stolen earlier on, and that was priority (figured as long as I started by 1130 I'd get 5km for today). A quick facebook post to put the feelers out about the dog and I went to have a nose round, didn't get far, when my sister came home, for a cuppa to warm up, blah,blah, blah found the dog at some kennels, ended running at 10pm, was more of a stagger than a run, cant keep this blog going as have dropped off three times typing this bit and have to be up in 4 hrs

29/01/12 0845
Right firstly I apologise for my tired ranty end to the above, was shattered couldn't keep my eyes open, and this was the first time that Janathon has stopped being fun. So to sum up, (quickly
Sisters Dog was stolen, eventual search and facebook post lead to info of a dog being handed in to a local kennels, which turn out to be our Bonnie. So she has been returned safe and sound, with a couple of conspiracy theory options, as to whether stolen, thought abandon/rescued or kennel con (£50 fee for holding)

My 'run' ended up being a 10pm start again, have done a few of these but clearly this, couple with 6am starts at work, this was starting to take its toll, I did my usual 5km street lit loop, but it was more of a stagger, I'm amazed that the time was still sub 30, as I thought at several points I wasn't even going to do it with out giving up and walking the shortcuts. I sort of shut off and was thinking about work and other stuff and switch to autopilot as I cant even remember whole sections of the 'stagger'

5.08km in 29.53 starting at 2204 on 27/01/12

Day 27 Jogged Logged and Blogged eventually

Thursday, 26 January 2012

26th of Janathon

The End is Nigh, but doesn't mean we shouldn't still push ourselves nor should we stop having fun with it, and so today I have done 2 runs,  one for #RunArt, and one for #Janathon.
So after dropping the kids to school, and walking the dog round the heath (a walk of approx 5k) I had a bit of brekkie, and read a few blogs, then headed out.
 I was going to do a 15k run today, which would cover my runart piece, but a bit of pre plotting meant that the runart was only  4.5k and wasn't within my usual long run route, so I figured do two, the long and then the artwork but again  changed my mind, and chose the 4.5km runart as a 'warm up' to the longer one.

So here is my first run and my latest piece of RunArt

Once done, I popped back in doors for a drink, and was then going to head out on my usual long run route, but after having taken the dog round the heath this morning I thought I'd have another go at the 'Green Route' footpath round the heath, with the sun out and blue skies, unlike last time where a impromptu afternoon nap meant I didn't do it until dusk. Although it's not as long as I had initially planned, coupled with the RunArt, today I have done

1x RunArt @4.50km in 24:04
1x Green Route @7.27km in 41:49

So 11.77km for the day

According to Runtastic I have run 170.02km so far for Janathon so 5 days to cover 29.98km, 6 a day will give me a 200km and 31 day runstreak

25th of Janathon

I fell a sleep, before I managed to log and blog, but I did jog, which is the important part, and I believe the rules say to log and blog within 24hrs, and it's less than 12 so I'm not out, just broke my personal rules of getting it all done on the same day.

Last nights run was the usual 5k street lit loop, which I'm still managing at about the same time each night (if you take out the time of me stopping to let someone know their interior light was still on in their car-had seen it on the way out, but was still on on the way back, so thought it right to stop and let them know)

Today is my day off  and that means long run day, last week I managed a 15k and so this week I want to do the same, but now runart is involved and I have a piece of work to run, do I run the 15k and then the artwork - 4.5k or shorten the run and add the art. I'm 2k down on my weeks target, due to the 3k token run on Tues, so I feel I should do atleast 17k today to make up the target.

Watch this space to see how it goes

5.21km in 29.37 starting at 2041 on 25/01/12

Day 23 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :157.13km

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

24th of Janathon

Just done a 14hr shift with 50min commute either end, wife is back in Wales looking after the parents, so I have the boys, to put to bed etc, but never fear I'm not out yet.
As my Mum was here looking after the boys til I got home, I took advantage, and ran a token 3k, and this is a token blog to ensure it has been B'd as well as J'd & L'd

3.08km in 17:52 starting at 2127 on 24/01/12

Day 23 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :151.92m

Monday, 23 January 2012

23rd of Janathon

Having run at 8am yesterday, and not running until almost 8pm tonight, I had the feeling that I had missed a day because 36hrs between runs seemed a long time, after the last 3 weeks. The run tonight was just the usual 5k street lit loop, but I finished it in a field, because I wanted the open space of the football pitches for a #runart attempt for the new blogs banner.
It's not quite how I wanted it but for a first attempt in a completely black field, with only some faint white lines of the pitches to guide me, you can see what it says

5.19km in 27:38 starting at 1918 on 23/01/12

Day 23 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :148.86m

Sunday, 22 January 2012

22nd of Janathon

Today's run was a new route, a new route based on a new idea, a new idea based on a random GPS route posted by @buriyako.
Today's run was my first entry in to the world of
This is the Stickman

Basically @buriyako posted one of his runs, @copy7t thought it had a shape to it, and said it looked like an anteater, so the seed of thought was sown, and next time @buriyako put some effort in and ran a rhino, 7t ran a snake, and the Stickman was my first attempt - to be honest me and my boys  had seen that the main roads on Dartford looked like a stickman with the town centre ring road being the head, so it was an obvious first attempt.
 But the challenge is now on, the next animal has been decided on, just the route to plot

And this is the birth of RUNART

7.81km in 43:06 starting at 0857 on 22/01/12
Day 22 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :143.67m

Saturday, 21 January 2012

21th of Janathon

This evening I am not running, its not a fail, I haven't given up, I just decided to pay @copy7t a surprise visit at the Riddlesdowne parkrun this morning.Normally I would start work at 6am, but today I decided to change shift and do the 10-7, so I could get to parkrun at 9, do a 'quick' 5k and then head into work from there.

Now the quick part didn't happen, as we hadn't seen each other since November, and with the whole Janathon game going on, we had a lot of catching up to do, so it became a social run (was a bit squidgy to get a pb really anyway) and we just jogged round and chatted, running the first half with Chris and his dog (until Chris's kids called out to remind him that he was supposed to be running with them , and had run on with us). We got our half run time of 16, which 7t realised we were going to come in at 32min, which is far to slow, but we figured it would come back in naturally, but alas it didn't and we were so worried about the times that as we crossed to line together, we had a brief gentlemanly discussion as to who would take what position (I let Steve come first as he is the faster runner, and it would be wrong for me to beat him after making him show such a poor time) so today's figures are

5.??km in 30.27 starting at 0900 on 21/01/12

Day 21 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :135.86km

Friday, 20 January 2012

20th of Janathon

Well tonights was a late run, didn't get in from work until about 7pm, then ate my tea, took the kids to youth club, then walked the dog, sat and had a cuppa, and then realised it was almost 10pm already, so threw on my shorts and trainers and headed out, accompanied by the Ozric Tentacles 'Erpland' album tonight, which is what I used to run to all the time, but haven't used for a while, since finding runcasts then rock my run mixes. As you can imagine that wasn't much going on at 10 o'clock so that'll do.
I'm sure I had some idea's earlier for this blog, but clearly they've gone to bed already, so I'm going to head there too, and see if I can find them for tomorrow
5.13km in 27:43 starting at 2207 on 20/01/12

Day 20 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :130.56km

Thursday, 19 January 2012

19th of Janathon

Well today is Thursday, that means its my day off from work but that means my day on for Janathon. I figured I managed the last 18 days, I went from running 3 times a week for just 4 months, to not running at all for 3 weeks, and then doing 5km a day everyday. If I can do that, and maintain 27-28min every time, then I can manage more. Now 10km is what I like to do on my day off cos I have a nice country footpath run, but I'm signed up for a half marathon and 10km won't cut it. So put another days worth on and make it 15km.
I did it, I enjoyed it, I did the 10km in 54:53 which is a PB, and finished the 15km in 1:26:57 (possibly a minute or so quicker due to the phone freezing at 1:22 (14.3km) and not coming back until I was indoors).
Now its a couple of hours later and I'm still aching, and still feel shattered, but I know I did it, and I know I pushed myself, and I didn't puke which means I could probably do more in a race situation. Roll on next Thursday (I'm not daft, once a week will do for Janathon, no point injuring myself).

15.38km in 1:26.57 starting at 1521 on 19/01/12
Day 18 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :125.43km

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

18th of Janathon

Errand Runner
Tonight was the same ole run - 5k Street Lit Loop, nothing particularly exciting, but when its dark and damp, my interesting routes aren't really runnable without a good 1,000,000 candle power torch, and some trail trainers, but always trust the wife to help out, in her own special way.
" Are you running near Joys house?"
"Yep pass the end of her road"
"Can you put this form through her door, oh and post this letter when you pass the post box
" Ok, I'm off now"
" Oh yeah, We need a paper too!"

Did anyone tell Mother Nature it's still winter, if so why was I removing layers tonight yet de iceing the seat of my motorbike yesterday?
So with the little errand detours, today I did

5.68km in 33.10 starting at 1943 on 18/01/12

Day 18 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :110.05km

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

17th of Janathon

Copy7t reminded me this morning that tonight was a milestone run, and although the actual run itself was pretty uneventful, just the usual 5k street lit loop but in reverse as I needed to get to the post office before 7.30 to catch the last post. I did it backwards because then the post office was only 2km away rather than 3km. The one time I really wanted a GPS signal I didn't get one, even in the magic corner of the room that always gets a Satellite, couldn't find one, but did the run anyway as I had the route plotted every where, wasn't even that worried about the time, having stopped to post a letter, and rescue the sock that was disappearing into my trainer!!
Once I got back and saved the run, the phone found a signal, and so I took a little jog 1.23km up the road to the point that I reached.......

5.6km in 31.40 starting at 1913 on 17/01/12
Day 17 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total :104.37km 

Monday, 16 January 2012

16th of Janathon

Just a quick blog tonight, cos I want to go to sleep.
Had a meeting at work, but not in my usual store (20mils away) this time it was in Bexleyheath, which just happens to be 5.19km from home, and so I took my shorts and trainers with me and ran home afterwards, considering it was mainly down hill the time wasn't as good as it could of been but that was probably due the heavy rucksack that had all my paper work and my suit, plus a bag of satsumas I bought to stop me eating the sweets and cakes that had been provided. 
Did see 3 or 4 runners, all of which acknowledged me, so did the guy in Sainsbury's later, wearing hi vis techtop, running tights and trainers, when I asked how far he'd been, he said 10 miles, now 10 miles is a good distance, much further then I've ever done, but to stay out for 10 miles at 0c temperature is bloody impressive or crazy - but is he crazy enough to do Janathon - who knows
5.19km in 30:29 starting at 1649 on 16/01/12
Day 16 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 98.77km

Sunday, 15 January 2012

15th of Janathon

So far today (800-930)
1m20s Plank - thought I'd see what the fuss was about - may well do a few more
Was going to do Wii Fit Yoga but the Wii fit Board wasn't charged so I did
9min Yoga with Esther Ekhart again thought I'd see what its about -may well do some more
8min Abs with the Gang - love it, need to do it more often
8min Arms with 3kg Aerobics Weights (& the Gang obviously) - need to do it more often
 By now the Wii Fit board was charged and I like it cos, although I haven't used it since 25/09/11, it told me I'd lost
9lb !!
and my BMI is now 26.64 (vs 27.87 last time)

A bit of tidying around the kitchen, and a nice bowl of Ready brek with a couple of pears chopped into it, and now to walk the dog - plan to do a 5k walk, to check out the route for a 10k run after

So will finish this off later once 'jogged and logged'

Well the route looks good, was about 7.5km in all, once run it'll probably be only 6, as being on my own this time, I wont need to detour to put a bag of bodily waste in the bin (at least I hope not anyway) plus there's a section by the 4km marker that is narrow twisty, muddy, just an excuse to go back in the woods, so will probably straight line a cross the field then, oh yeah, and I doubt I'll be calling into the Pet shop on the way back for a treat either!!

Whoops, after the dog walk, got home had a little sarnie, and then promptly fell a sleep, so by the time, I had muster the effort to get up, and get my running gear on the sun had gone down.
This could make for a interesting run. Running round footpaths on the heath in the dark.
Now a sensible man would have saved it for another day, a sensible man would of found a different route that was street lit and a good surface - but a sensible man wouldn't be doing Janathon!!, so on with headtorch and away I went. Fortunately I took the photos on the dog walk earlier, as I don't like stopping for shots whilst running, and they wouldn't have look anywhere near as pleasant in the dark!!

But I managed it, scared off a few rabbits whilst doing it (think they were rabbits, could only see their glowing eyes) and only had one 'moment' where I stood on a fallen branch I 'd missed and thought I'd twisted my ankle, but didn't do any damage - it was an experience, but wouldn't recommend it as the scenery is naff and I could of ended my Janathon had I actually damaged my ankle.
So along with the early exercise, the 1.5hr 7.5k dogwalk, today's run details are....

7.05km in 31:05 starting at 1658 on 15/01/12
Day 15 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 93.58km

Saturday, 14 January 2012

14th of Janathon

Early start today as normal, up at 430, out at 515, in work 6am, had a huge delivery as the lift has been out for a couple day and so haven't had any stock in. Get get 12/42 cages upstairs and the lift goes again! So now have 180 boxes of frozen food to deal with very quickly, so by 7am me and the guys are running around the sales floor squeezing out what we can but then had to run/carry/throw 80+ by hand up 3 flight of stairs - so that was my first sweat worked up today, fortunately the rest of the day was less physically demanding(actually i sat on my arse in a suit just asking question), though its never nice having to dismiss people.
Once home, a large Chinese takeaway was eaten (I figured I'm burning enough calories to treat myself), which having to scrap the ice off the car and the dashboard display showing 0c was when picking it up, was the first confirmation of being rather chilly, then taking Jess for a walk, and feeling the grass crunch under my feet and my thighs stinging under my trousers, changed it from rather chilly to bloody freezing. Once back home I quickly switched the ignition back on the car too see that it had warmed up a bit and was no longer 0c but now 0.5c that's better I thought, and so on with my running gear and out for a quick 5km jaunt to keep Janathon alive and well. It clearly had warmed up overwise why else would I have returned home sweating?!?

5.24km in 27:27 starting at 2203 on 14/01/12
Day 14 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 86.53km

Friday, 13 January 2012

13th of Janathon

A late one today, started out at 21:30 was going for the new street lit 5k loop, but needed to grab a newspaper, so added a detour, but at almost 10pm everyone clearly packs up their left over copies for returning. So a further detour via a few other newsagents to the petrol station, means that after an extra 1km I managed to get the paper for SWMBO and get my run in for Janathon.I'm glad of the extra 1km, I wanted to ensure 42km each week, was going to be 40 but realised today that 26.2miles is 41.5 km and after hitting 27miles in week one, I figured running a Marathon distance each week, isn't bad for a newbie and sounds good to all the non runners I know, that keep asking me, if I'm still running.

6.31km in 32:59 starting at 2132 on 13/01/12
Day 13 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 81.29km

Thursday, 12 January 2012

12th of Janathon

Having driven the kids to school, I stopped off at the Heath with Jess (8month old Black Lab) for a walk/reccy for todays run. I set up my phone and tried to walk the outer most paths of the heath to find the longest route round (today is supposed to be a 10km run). It was a nice walk, the birds were singing, the ground pretty firm, and a lot of friendly morning dog walkers. The route turned out to be only 2 1/2km, so I figured 1km to the heath, 3 laps and 1km back would be close. So home we went and on with my shorts.
Once running it though, it was awful, twisting and turning, dead ends and double backs, steep drops and climbs- I couldn't get in to a rhythm and so ended up walking most of it, so after the first lap I said sod this, and went off up the road, trying to think where to go, as I reached the junction I remembered there was a bridle way up the road, that I had always driven by but never ventured along, so I headed there.

Once there I looked at the Tourist sign and it turns out its another part of the heath that I had just been running on and that there are half a dozen different routes round the Heath so I figured lets try them instead

One of these is 5km and covers all the section of the heath, now I wasn't going to go over this again today, but instead opted for a couple laps of the 'new' part I was on, following 'green' route, and then the 'blue' route, then I went off round a newish estate to investigate a building I'd seen from the heath., and then headed home across the original part of the heath. This time using the marked route, which was actually runnable, so I will try it out again next time I'm out in daylight.
Until then this is

10.66km in1:06:32 starting at 1213on 12/01/12
Day 12 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 74.98km

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

11th of Janathon

Not much happening today, had a meeting at work all day, which was alright, had a few people tell me they think I look like I've lost weight,which was nice and I managed to not to eat any of the sweets on the table, the crisps, biscuits, chocolate birthday cake or whatever the gorgeous looking 3 layer sponge cake was that one the guys bought in (normally I'd have finished off whatever was left), and opted for a couple of clementines and a Go Ahead Yogurt bar. (I must run via Boots and weigh myself tomorrow)

Tonights run was something different too, I took the dog with me, she was excited and jumping all over the place to start with, when we reached the field I turned on her flashing collar fob  (its hard to see a jet black dog at night) and let her off to run free (stops me have to stop whenever she smells something) and did a couple of figure of eights round the football pitches, then ran out of the of the far side of the fields and round the roads home. On the last stretch Jess was starting to lag and her tongue was hanging so I went straight to home, but when I looked I'd only done 4.4k, so I knocked on the door, one of my sons opende it, I passed him the dog and said 'see you in 5' and shot off for another lap of the block to make it up so tonights run was....

5.41km in 31.37 starting at 2055 on 11/01/12
Day 11 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 64.32km

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

10th of Janathon

After yesterdays little 2km token, I was determined that I was going to make it up to day with an 8km today to maintain the 5 a day average that I'd obtained in week 1 (well plus a bit due to the 12 on Thurs). Then I woke up this morning about an hour later than intended, and rode to work (motorbike, yet to get myself a pedal bike) on absolute auto pilot, my legs felt like lead and from my eyes upward was feeling completely foggy -a fog that didn't lift all day.
I couldn't see myself running at all, and could foresee a short exercise session of some kind just to do something for Janathon. Not sure what changed but once I was home I felt alot better, possibly even great. Had a nice curry, with my wife and boys,helped finish some homework, a quick few laps on Gran Turismo 5, then the wife went out, the boys settled down with a DVD, and off I went.
 As I'd said I was feeling a lot better, the weather was quite mild and dry, so I went for the 8km and apart from the horrible hill climb between 3.5 &4.5 km  it was a real nice comfortable run, and to top it all, I can have a bit of a lay in tomorrow, as I have a meeting and so don't need to start until 9am rather than 6am


8.18km in 45.57 starting at 2028 on 10/01/12 plus an 8min Abs (well maybe in a minute)

Day 5 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Janathon Total : 59.92km

Monday, 9 January 2012

9th of Janathon

Just a quickie tonight, left for work at 6am, got home again after 9pm, and need to be back there for 6am again tomorrow, so was just going to try a 'fast mile' but whilst talking to the Wife, she said "If you're going running we need catfood". "Ok, I thought, it's better than nothing", we carried on chatting about the day then she said,
 " it's too late, so you can run where you like"
 "whats the time then?"
 "quarter to"
Up, on with shorts & trainers and out the door, it only 1km away, so a fairly rapid run got me to the door as the security guard appeared with the keys, saw me in running gear heading towards him at pace. He stepped to one side, and uttered what I wanted to hear - Go on mate!
Now the run home wasnt as easy as I had a bag containing box of catfood & 2 bottle of lucozade in each hand.
So a paultry 2.1km today, so I'm going to do 8min abs in a sec to add to it, and at least 8km tomorrow to maintain my 40km a week for Janathon

2.1km in 11.34 starting at 2152 on 09/01/12 plus an 8min Abs

Day 5 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Sunday, 8 January 2012

8th of Janathon

Well this morning I was woken at 7am by the meowing of the neighbours cat that has taken to lodging in ours (though knowing its owner I wouldn't want to stay there either). So after removing said cat, and now being awake, I started too think about todays run.
  Now, my aim before Christmas was to run 5km 3times a week, then once the Paddock wood 1/2 marathon had been booked, I decided to lengthen Thursday and Sundays runs to 10km and then increase as I felt fit. So after Thursdays 11.99 I was considering a 15 today, and set about on the route creator elongating my 10k run. By 10am the rest of the house were stirring, oh well so much for getting out before they got up.  Another couple of hours went by the wife had gone out, and the kids were back in their room playing Fifa and for some reason I was still sitting about.
  It was then that I realised that although my mind was saying " great we can do the longest run so far!!" my body was saying "I don't want to nor am I up for it!" ( I think Janathon isstarting to take its toll)
 Now if I have learnt one thing, from reading the bits and pieces about running and listening to advice of others, that is
"Listen to your body"

and this is what I did - well sort of, as I clearly wasn't going to not run at all, it is Janathon after all.
And so we compromised, and knocked it back to a 5k, to be done at a 'just getting out there' pace. I let my boys choose what route I would do, as I have 3 regular 5k rings and they chose the newest one that I had designed for after dark running (see '6th of Janathon'), I was up for this as it was all pavement and no muddy footpaths to deal with.
  On with my shorts, a few stretches and off I went. By the first km I was already thinking of cutting it short and just doing a 'token' run of 2 or 3k, but then a I heard a toot from a passing car and looked round to see a the couple whose house I ran home from on the 1st of Janathon, waving and smiling as they drove by - this warmed me and spurred me on, so I stuck to my guns and did the 5k route.
when I got back my phone was telling me I had done 5.6k in 28:20, thats about right I thought to myself.
  So once I was ready to start logging and blogging I had a look at the splits and clearl,y as I had listened to my body, it had rewarded me with a PERSONAL BEST and a MILESTONE BREAKING run of

5km in 24:52 starting at 1211 on the 08/01/12

Previous PB was a 25:21 from Mo-vember Battersea Park where my target was a sub 25, which I would of had, had I not pushed far to hard at the end and revisited brekkie just before the line!

Day 8 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Saturday, 7 January 2012

7th of Janathon

Did an hours ice skating, then ran 5.4km home, can't keep my eyes open, so will do this properly tomorrow!

Friday, 6 January 2012

6th of Janathon

Well day 6 is here, and I'm still mobile, in fact I've had a fairly active day, decided to go 'back to the floor' and helped the lads at work by sorting all the stock in the coldroom, so spent a good 4 hours (on & off)at -20c shift ing a few hundred 12kg (ave) boxes of food around - I could of logged that as my exercise, but that would be cheating really wouldn't it!

So once home, whilst eating a nice bowl of chicken and pasta, and trying to sort a PUK code for my sons phone, who had decided that it would be cool to Pin Lock his phone but then locked himself out! I started to play with Running Free's Map Creator I'm loving the fact that it snaps to the road, and almost picks its own routes. So it wasn't long before I had a new 5km run to try tonight. This one is all tarmac, and street lights, which is ideal for evening runs at this time of year. It's got a lot of up and down in it too but nothing to severe, though some are long. Hopefully I'll get a GPS signal on my phone one day, and will have some accurate data for those that are interested (@copy7t). 
The last time I was in that part of town I bumped into a couple of old friends, who were out running - which reminds me, I must make contact somehow and hook up for some runs, as its could get lonely after a while. Any other #Janathoners in the Dartford area?

5.39km in 27:57 starting at 2048 on 06/01/12

Day 5 
Jogged Logged and Blogged 

I think my times on this route will improve but I'm conscious that my thighs (quads?) are starting to complain more each run at the moment - any before and after care advice would be appreciated before I do any actual damage.

Also on a less important but potentially as painful issue - nipples - again any before or after care advice? 

I don't know how this happened but I can't get it to go back again!!

Thursday, 5 January 2012

5th of Janathon 2012

It's my day off today, and I been waiting for it, as it meant I could get out for a long run (long for me anyway) on the footpaths, rather than running round the streets in the dark.

So once the kids were off to school (1st day back) and the wife was off to work, I settle down for a quiet coffee, bowl of ready brek and to catch up on Janathon activity as the storms seemed to have returned and so there was pouring rain and rather Strong winds. After a while the room brightened and I looked out to see the rain had stopped and there was blue skies. The winds were still there but dry blue skies were all I needed.
First things first though need to take Jess out, my 8 month black Lab. All dressed ready to go - no door key. I have a good idea where it'll be, so I ring the wife and sure enough yep she has my door key - well that decides the route for the dogs walk. So off we go, as I was walking I figured hey all exercise counts and so I logged the walk on runtastic, down through the park I took a couple of snaps en route just because I figured my blog could do with some, ...............15min later.......well maybe another day cos my BB wont email them and I cant find my lead or get my new 'show me' photoblog to work.
Whilst in the park I was going to have a go on the outdoor gym, but Jess wasn't impressed and just sat there whining, and there were a few large branches laying around that had been blown off the trees above, so I moved on.
Once back from the walk, it was time for the real exercise to begin so I got my running gear on and thought. As I was stretching, I notice the room go dark, no more blue sky, just big grey clouds.
"oh well, looks like another wet one."
As I went out the rain started, though very fine it was very heavy, and with the tail wind, I felt like someone had a cold power shower on my back, but I was out and running so I wasn't about to go back now (though might only do a 5 if it stays like this), anyway I figured once I reached the footpath the trees would shelter me from the rain, but by about 2km in it had stopped.
Now I bought these trainers over 10 years ago (when I paid a years membership for a gym and went twice) and though they are like new due to not being worn I couldn't say what style of trainer the were, though today I discovered they are most definitely not trail runners!! Quite how I managed to stay upright I'm not sure. Once off the trail though things were easier and the sun started to shine though the wind  was still up and now fighting against me, but I kept moving (just in places) and the final figure for today was 11.99km - note to self 'check distances before pressing stop to you don't stop 0.01 short of that extra km!!

11.99km in 1:13:17 starting at 1309 on 05/01/12

Day 5 Jogged Logged and Blogged

4th of Janathon 2012

Hello one and all

Well with only 4 hrs sleep, a run before work was still not on the cards, but I thought as I had the car, I'd pack my running gear and maybe find somewhere different to run either at work or on the way home (Dulwich looks popular with runners, and seem to be a huge park, always see people running there) but as I was leaving work, it start to rain and was dark already so didn't fancy finding a new route in a dark park, so I thought I'd leave it until I got home, and hope that the rain would stop.
Once back home, I was sitting in the car outside the train station waiting for the wife (Pete  has made an improvement for those who read yesterdays post), and the weather had taken a considerable turn for the worse, and was resembling yesterday mornings storms, whilst waiting for her train I flicked through Twitter looking at #Janathon and thought it has to be done, no giving up, no indoor sessions (well not yet anyway).
Grabbed the kids from my Mums and had some dinner there too, got the usual abuse from my brother for running, and doing stuff like this, though he has been saying he'll come with me for a couple of months now and keeps giving different excuses - so I have plenty of ground to abuse him back.
So once finally back at my own house, it was now gone 8pm, the wind had dropped slightly, but the rain was still falling, "I need to go out" said I, "Your mad, but you need to or you'll fail"said wifey - At last she is starting to understand the crazy mindset that I am developing as a runner.

As I set out, I thought I need to get  high viz stuff, as tonight I looked more like a ninja than a runner, black hat, black jacket, black shorts, black tights, it was only the white socks and trainers that gave it away, and they weren't very white after the footpath at 1km!
I was more worried about trench foot then any muscle problems tonight
About half way round the rain stopped and it was like the last three days, just chilly and wet underfoot.

So that's today's run done, roll on tomorrow, where I can get a longer run in during daylight - this month is really going to help with my Tribesports challenges (7 day streak, 100km in a month, and a good start for 1000km in a year plus many more I'm sure) and I'm sure it's won't do my half marathon training any harm - either that or I'll never walk again!!

So thats day 4 done

5.14k in 30:07 starting at 2112 on 04/01/12

Day 4 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

3rd of Janathon 2012

Today was a strange one, I was woken at 615am by my wife, which is actually a lay in as I'd normally be in work for 6am. In some ways I wish I had been at work cos the impromptu day off was to travel to Wales to drop off my wife and say goodbye to my Father in Law. Old age, dementia and a nasty chest infection, has made him decide his time has come, and so he wont eat, and they are struggling to get him to take a litre of fluids each day.
"I have already got one foot in Heaven" - and to be honest that's where he's been travelling to all his life, and so is actually looking forward to getting there. but there's no real telling when that'll be though cos one minute, your checking for a pulse, the next he's up and taking himself to the loo, and having a go at his daughters for fussing over him, and crowding him.

So here's to Pete - a great man, a wise man, a faithful man of God and a great father to 7 wonderful 'children', - your seat is being readied  and the trumpets soon will sound!

Apologies, if that wasn't what you were expecting tonight, but that's life, and I suppose, deep down, really the reason I'm running - to ensure that I live to 80+ and can see my kids grow and have kids of their own, and so on. Which my previous life style (and parts of my current still) means that would be doubtful.

So with that lets make sure we make the best of what we got and run on to a ripe old age

 5.15k in 29:10 starting at 1902 on 03/01/12

Day 3 Jogged Logged and Blogged

Monday, 2 January 2012

2nd of Janathon 2012

Well I got all my gear together last night thinking (rather optimistically) that I would go out when I got up at 4am - but the snooze button ate too far into my free time, so it would have to wait until after work.
Through out the day I kept on checking in on Twitter, and now seem to have a few more followers (I'll follow you back, but its to much headache on the phone so will have to wait until I'm on a laptop - like now!), just wanted the day over, so I could get home and run.

I finished work at about 5.30  (11hr shift :/ ), and courteously text the wife to let her know I was on my way.
When I arrived home 45min later, there was my dinner freshly dished up, and the offer of beer or wine - now this may sound like perfection to many but today, all I thought was bugger I can't go out yet then.

Dinner eaten, wine drunk - on with my new grey/orange Karrimor xlite tights and top, logged by runtastic (but no GPS grrrr), and motivated by http://www.rockmyrun.com/ of I went.
By the first half km, my chest was shouting at me that I shouldn't be doing this, but by 1km I had conivinced it to be quiet and deal with it for another 25mins, donned my new headtorch and was heading along the side of the heath dodging the puddles (cheers sis great xmas pressie)
As I neared the end of my run and the bottom of the long hill, I was thinking shall I just walk it off now, but from my ipod came 'Footloose' and I was strangely spurred on (not sure if I should admit this but then none of you really know me), and so my run was done

5.15k in 28:21 starting at 1930 on 02/01/12

Day 2 Jogged  Logged and Blogged

Sunday, 1 January 2012

1st of Janathon 2012

Well, this is why this blog was started, and so we begin.
I haven't run since the 11th December, due to the joys of food retail at Xmas and ridiculous length shifts etc
So excuses over.
My family & I was invited to my friends house for a New Years Eve gathering, knowing it would be a fairly quiet affair, I thought why not, I should be able to get up early with a fairly clear head and start Janathon and 2012 as I mean to continue. Then it occurred to me that as said friends house is half way round my regular 10k route, why not pack my running gear and run home afterwards.
Now with this in mind, perhaps the couple of helpings of chilli, curry and chicken supreme wasn't a good idea nor the assorted desserts, plus the obligatory wine, buck fizz, bubbly, cherry brandy etc. but come 230am and we were the last to leave, I thought - 'I'm doing this!!' So got my gear and emerged from their bathroom, in my trainers, short shorts @ new running (cheers bruv),

"I'll see you at home in half hour - Happy New Year!"  and off I ran

Once back in to lit streets (villages are nice but very dark in the small hours!) the run was pleasant,  wished a few individuals Happy New Year on the way, much to their confusion (drunk and seeing a runner at 245am probably didn't compute very well!LOL)  Then I saw a group staggering along a rather deserted bit of road, and start to wonder whether this was actually a clever idea, I thought just look ahead and keep running, possibly prep for a sprint if necessary - but as I approached all I got was encouragement
"Wow-you must be committed"
"I am amazed at your commitment"
"How far have you run?" etc
To show my commitment, I gave my thanks, wished them a Happy New Year and ran on through.

About 4k a familiar car passed by and pulled in, containing my wife and 2 boys
"Just wondering if you wanted a lift the rest of the way?"
"No thanks  I'm good, see you in a bit"

5.82k in 33:53 starting at 0230 on 01/01/12 - Happy New Year

Janathon -Bring It On!!