Thursday 17 January 2013

17th of Janathon

<p>Today was my day off so I could run whenever I liked, but as SWMBO had a full morning for me, then I had the pm school run to do followed by homework supervision &amp; dinner to do I figured I better run sooner or it would end up being a 10pm job again.<br>
So I took the opportunity whilst the wife was on the am school run/dog walk duty. I figured the heavy frost would look nicer when covering the green of foliage rather than the grey of paving/tarmac and so stuck my trail trainers on and headed for the heath, giving the wife a wave as I passed her sitting in a stationary row of traffic on her way back from school. I didn't fancy the Green Path (5km) today so opted for a combination and so did the White path (1km), the Red path (2km) and the Yellow path (1km) so with the 1km each way to the heath today's run was just over 6km, and considering the solid ruts and frozen puddles it was also a miracle that I didn't ruin my ankles too.

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